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Glückは「しあわせ」、Guteは「(質の)良さ」を意味する言葉。二つが重なる名前のとおり、自然が生み出す素材を使って、からだに心地よいもの、心が豊かになるものをひとつひとつ創っていきたいと思っています。肌ざわりがよいレッグウェア、自然がぎゅっと詰まったおいしいものなど…。試行錯誤を繰り返し、丁寧なモノづくりと日々の営みを大切に取り組んでいきます。「 自然に手に取り使っている 」そんな日常に寄り添える身近な存在になれますように。

For the Futurure

Glück means “Happy”, Gute means “Nice quality”.Our concept is to use natural and organic materials to make gentle products that will make everyone feels happy and better.Our gentle products are soft touch feeling socks, naturally delicious foods, etc.Hope we will become familiar with you as your neighbor.

For the Future
Rather than increasing the variety of our products, we would like to constantly review our existing standard products and connect them to better ones. And we would like to please those who wear our products by improving their comfort and usability, even if only gradually.
Socks made of natural materials are inevitably weaker than those made of synthetic fibers developed by humans. Therefore, we will make them as good as possible, taking into consideration durability, the shape that can be worn for a long time, and the use of backing yarn in areas that do not directly contact the skin, while digging deeper into each one. From a social and sustainable perspective, we would like to gradually reduce the use of cotton, which uses large amounts of pesticides, and increase the use of organic cotton as much as possible.
However, with raw materials going up all the time, I do not want to make socks for everyday wear more expensive. I also believe in the "power of color," so I would like to seek a middle ground between all of these, valuing color variation. By understanding the qualities of each material and combining materials that are compatible with each other, I want to create shoes that are comfortable and never get old. We also select food so that our customers can approach our products not only from the outside but also from the inside of their bodies.
We will continue to make daily efforts to ensure that you enjoy our services.

Chisato Hemuki